Anthony Wrigley, M. Osteo Med, Bach. Clin. Sc (Osteo)

Osteopathic Manual Therapist

Anthony is a non-physician Osteopathic Manual Practitioner who trained and practised in Australia before relocating to the San Francisco Bay Area. Anthony earned a Bachelor of Clinical Science majoring in Osteopathic Studies & Human Structure and Function and then went on to complete a Masters in Osteopathic Medicine at Southern Cross University in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia.

Anthony has a gentle approach to treatment with a focus on the application of traditional osteopathic principles. Anthony works to bring ease of movement back into his patients life so that they can get back to enjoying a high quality of life and enjoy their daily activities.

Anthony treats patients of all ages who suffer from aches and pains arising from a myriad of simple, or more complex stressors in life; injuries occurring from work, sport or other, poor posture, pregnancy, postpartum, neuromuscular issues arising from chronic health conditions and so much more.

He is passionate about working with the body as a whole, giving the client a chance to experience a whole body resolution. What does the body feel like when all systems and structures are in harmony? He values taking the time to listen to his clients and understand the root cause of their complaint. He offers a deep understanding and plan for the journey back to health including what can be incorporated into their daily lives to ensure resolution.

Anthony believes Osteopathy should also be utilised when the patient is in health, and not just when a patient is sick or in pain. Just the way one would bring a violin or a guitar to a luthier to be tuned, the human organism also needs tuning to its middle C. You can begin to appreciate how important this may be when one considers how incredibly complex a human body is compared to a musical instrument.

For health to prevail it is important that harmony between the interrelationship of body, mind & spirit stay intact.

In his spare time you’ll find Anthony listening to music from 60’s & 70’s. He was quite clearly born in the wrong era! He has long dreamt of the absolute honour and chance to meet the special people who lived through the Summer of Love in the San Francisco Bay Area. To chat with you, listen to your stories and hear about the political, cultural and musical movements that were born from this time.

Of course, he cant wait to treat you too!