Allergies + Osteo

By Victoria Fik, M.OMSc | Non Physician Osteopathic Manual Therapist

During allergy season we commonly see people come in with symptoms such as itching, runny nose, wheezing, watery or itchy eyes, head congestion etc. These symptoms are our body's way of communicating to us that it is working to defend itself from substances that should be seen as harmless to the body. Substances such as pollen, weeds and grasses commonly trigger an allergic response in susceptible people during spring and fall. An allergic reaction to pollen begins in the immune system; it causes an increase in histamine circulating in the body beginning the common allergy symptoms mentioned above.

When faced with stressors the body will activate another protective mechanism called the sympathetic nervous system, this is part of our nervous system that is responsible for the "fight, flight, freeze" response. Stress hormones will be released in the body and create the common symptoms we feel when we are stressed like rapid heart beat, sweating, tissue tension and many more of those unpleasant sensations. The parasympathetic nervous system responsible for "rest and digest" is suppressed and therefore will unable to do its job. This has an effect on how our body is able to process these allergens and can cause more suffering than needed. 

Our osteopath manual therapist at Nourish may be able to help support your immune system and body's ability to self heal and self regulate. This is done through hands-on work, bringing the nervous system back into balance so the organs can process the allergens in the system. Hand on treatments to the rib cage, diaphragm, sinuses, neck, and other structures are commonly worked on to encourage lymphatic flow, helping the body to eliminate wastes and improve blood flow to the affected areas to support optimal function. This can help people avoid more intense treatments and medications and learn how to work with their body in a more holistic way!! 

Osteopathic care is valuable in these circumstances, combined with our infrared sauna the body and nervous system is offered an opportunity to slow down, find balance and heal on a deep cellular level, mitigating the downstream effects of allergies.

Here are some preventative measures I discuss with clients to help avoid/mitigate the effects of seasonal allergies:

1. Wash your hair at night before bed

2. Remove clothing that has been worn outside when you return back home 

3. Rinsing your sinus with a neti pot 

4. Closing the windows during the height of pollen season/using an air filter at home

Keep us in mind when feeling any of these symptoms and we hope we can be of any assistance during this season!  

To book in with Victoria or one of our other practitioners click here


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